Thursday, November 1, 2012

Just let me whine for a minute

I am so tired.

A is getting worse not better.

He is having fits every week, when it used to happen far less. 

Halloween was so frustrating.  He used to not want to wear he couldn't decide on what costume to wear.  Originally he was going as General Grievous from Star Wars....he says Jennifer  Then he changed his changed his mind to Darth Maul, just so he could get the Darth Maul light saber, which he had a full fit over in Target about. 

Of course Party City was out of Darth Maul by the time we went shopping, which was the last minute of 3 weeks before Halloween.  The snarky punk getting costumes made a face and said I should have bought costumes at least a month before....whatever...

The only costume A liked, that we could get in his size was a pirate.  Ok a pirate.  Well now he wanted a pirate sword and the Darth Maul light saber....Fine.  I give up.  Life is too hard, I will spoil him and buy him things I know I shouldn't.  Go ahead judge me...

Of course we get the light saber home and it is broken!  Of course by the time I get back to Party City it is an exchange only policy, and of course they are out of the Darth Maul light saber!

Of course the first time he uses the pirate sword it breaks.  Of course this happens in public, and he has a meltdown over it.

I am so tired.

Before Trick or Treating last night we headed to my mom's for her to see them dressed up.  She gave them each a cool cup, a flashlight, and tons of candy.  A wanted his flashlight.  Of course it doesn't work.  Of course this throws him into a fit and now he doesn't want to go Trick or Treating at all.  Well I am sick so I really can't handle taking the other boys Trick or Treating by myself, nor do I really want to stay home with a fussy A by myself.  So no A, we are all going Trick or Treating!

Then we head to Target to get A another pirate sword, because he had to have one.  The $5 sword wasn't what he wanted.  The $20 sword however was great.  Wonderful, now let's go. 
Wait that was too let's have A have a fit over wanting to buy toys as well.  He wanted presents for Halloween.  I tried to explain that Halloween is not a present holiday.  Well anyone who has ever had an argument with someone with Autism/Asperger's can feel my pain...because after 20 minutes he is still not convinced he doesn't get presents.

Finally we are Trick or Treating.  Or rather K and I are Trick or Treating while A hides by the stroller playing with his sword.  He is too shy to ask for candy or say Trick or Treat, but every now and then he does want to show people his sword and costume, which is really good.

I am so tired.

Today there is no school due a very strategically placed Teacher/Parent conference day.  A has asked no less than 5 times about a toy that he wants...not for Christmas, but today.  Again I keep explaining to him that he will not get anything until no avail.

I am so tired.

I have been hiding from life lately.  I am behind on work, housework, everything.  I am depressed. I just want to climb into bed and rest, or get lost in a great book...another world where there is no child who needs me to be more patient with him.  A world where I am not angry with people for not getting it. A world with no bills, or dealing with finances.

I am so tired.